About Circles


Ordinal Cirlces are the first “on-chain” generative art on the Bitcoin blockchain. They are a completely self-contained mechanism for the creation and ownership of an artwork.

There will be 999 Ordinal Circles each with its own number. Each Ordinal Circle is a unique piece of generative art. Each Ordinal Circle is a unique NFT. Each Ordinal Circle is a unique Bitcoin transaction.

In addition to the unique art, Circles includes a novel and unique selling process: a discord bot that handles purchase requests, BTC transfers, inscribing the Ordinal and delivering it to the buyer.


Ordinal Circles are a way to explore the intersection of art, Bitcoin, and NFTs. They are a way to explore the intersection of art, Bitcoin, and the blockchain. They are a way to explore the intersection of art, Bitcoin, and the future.

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